Thursday, December 30, 2010

Game On

Earlier this month I won a large lot of vintage games at an auction. It was a veritable game bonanza I tell you.
So far I've sold the stadium checkers, used scrabble letters for a holiday project in my daughter's class, used more of the letters for a craft junque project and counted many, many, many game parts!
I am a total sucker for the vintage graphics on games. Love discovering the parts inside and every time we open one up my husband wishes out loud, "Please let there be money inside, please let there be money inside..."!
See those Masterpiece games? Have you ever played it? An absolutely fabulous game - simply one of our favorites! I think I've had at least a dozen of these games (three different versions) and sold them all. We do keep one to play but the addition of these two means I currently have three on hand to sell. A bit excessive don't you think?


Beca said...

Looks like an interesting assortment of games you have there. I've never played the masterpiece game. I'll have to keep my eye out for one of those. Happy New Year to ya!

★Carol★ said...

Masterpiece was one of my favorites, and I still have mine! I always had to be Bitsy Rich Wong Dobrowski Keyes. I'm slightly embarrassed that I still remember that name, because it's been years since I've played! Wishing you health, happiness, prosperity and lots of great junk in 2011!

j said...

Now those are cool! I have raided several board games (Scrabble especially) for their dice and pieces. Crafters tend to dismantle things and reuse them.

I hope that you have a Happy New Year!

Protector of Vintage said...

Love vintage games!! I still have my Partridge Family and Mystery Date games!!

Pam @ Frippery said...

Love to play Masterpiece. I haven't gotten it out for a while. Thanks for the reminder! I love the graphics on vintage games too, and of course just the nostalgia factor.

Amanda said...

I'm your private auction... auction for money!! MISS YOU!!