Linking up once more for the Prior Lives party. This time I'm showing off game boards that we used to decorate one wall in Captain America's bedroom. You can see more of his room in earlier posts.

My husband is a lover of games. While I search for junque at yard sales and the like he is busy scouting around for old games. We used to sell a lot of them on Ebay but like so many other things - that well has gone a bit dry. We always play them at least once and keep the really fun ones. I love the pieces inside and we all love the vintage graphics.

We were able to purchase inexpensive metal frames which we assembled ourselves. Plexiglass fronts are light (and safe for kids) and keep the boards flat in their frames. We chose them based on graphic appeal and interests for our son. He loves maps and globes (hmmm...wonder where he gets that from) and you can see that there is even a Harry Potter board up there. Not exactly vintage but one of his favorite books. I love how we were able to re-use these while personalizing an otherwise empty wall!
Linking up to
Prior Lives. Hop over and see what everyone is doing.