Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Heart Auctions!

I love auctions. Adore them. Enjoy them. Look forward to them. My new obsession is the online auction (no, not EBAY - I am so over that). These are local online auctions where you bid and then pick up your items. Sometimes you get lucky and find out they are literally a few minutes from your home. Then you get even luckier when you are able to score this...
Cue music...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Awesome 7 taper candle stand for...wait for it.
Wait for, really, keep waiting...

5 !!!!!!!!!! $5! $5 candle stand (you are humming the $5 foot long song right?)
Oh my. Seeing as the cold weather approaches and I do not have any shows planned until April - I get to keep and decorate this baby without any guilt. One wonders if I'll be ready to give it up come Spring?


Beca said...

It's absolutely wonderful! And you can't beat the price!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh wow!! How do you find local on line auctions. That is such a score!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, spray that baby black and use it for Halloween!!! Well, that's what I would have done, LOL. Great bargain!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I found my way from Monkeybox. I had to comment here! I found two candle stands just like this one at an estate sale. I paid $10 each...lucky you!!! Your's had more flourish to it. I love it. I have mine on my patio holding hanging plants. I plan on finding some battery operated candles to put in or maybe real one in the spring. Love your blog. Adding it to my page!!!