Thrifty Art
Do you thrift your art?
I often joke that one day I'm going to sell all the pictures/etchings/paintings I've acquired at thrift stores and yard sales to pay for one semester of books once my son begins college. Oh sure, it's fun to mock our thrift store art collection but there are gems in there. While I have yet (notice I wrote YET) to find the six figure diamond in the rough we have an eclectic collection that adds character to our home.
I'm starting off in the dining room and will show you room by room and picture by picture our collection. This is our newest arrival found for $3 at St. Vincent de Paul this weekend. Don't you just love amateur art?
Stay tuned for more installments...this could take a while!
I love thrift store art finds! It's fun to find a great old cabin or roses painting! I love your painting and its wonderful naive style!
I love thrift store and yard sale art too. I still kick myself for not buying the $10 oil painted kitty cat that I loved (my budget for a thrift item is usually less).
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